Fluctuating temperatures and rainy days only in certain regions. How will the weather be in the country in the next two weeks?

Warmer days will alternate with cooler ones across most regions, and the likelihood of rain remains high during intervals in the next two weeks (October 14 – 28), according to the specialized forecast published on Monday by the National Meteorological Administration (ANM) and cited by Agerpres..


In Banat, at the beginning of the period, the average maximum temperature will rise slightly, reaching around 20 degrees on October 14, after which it will decrease to about 15 – 16 degrees between October 18 and 20.A gradual warming will follow, resulting in average highs of around 19 degrees on October 22 and 23, but temperatures will cool down again starting October 24.The average minimum temperatures will drop from 7 degrees on the first day to 4 degrees by October 17.There will be no significant variations for the next two days, after which daytime temperatures will increase slightly, and by the end of the forecast period, minimum averages will settle at 6 – 7 degrees.There will be occasional conditions for light rain in the second week.


In Crişana, during the first week, the average maximum temperatures will not show significant variations, settling at 16 – 17 degrees, while minimum temperatures will decrease from an average of 7 degrees on the first morning to 2 – 3 degrees between October 17 and 19.In the first half of the second week, a warming trend will be felt, with average highs rising to around 19 degrees and lows nearing 6 degrees, before gradually cooling again.Conditions for light rain are expected during the first two days and again after October 22.


In Transilvania, until October 19, the weather will cool slightly and gradually.The average maximum temperature will reach 13 degrees, while the minimum will hover around the freezing point.Over the next three days, temperatures will rise by approximately four degrees, followed by maximum averages fluctuating between 13 and 18 degrees, and minimums ranging from 1 to 6 degrees.Conditions for light rain are anticipated in the first two days as well as after October 22.


In Maramureş, the tendency for maximum temperatures will generally be upward until around October 23, when their average will reach about 17 degrees, after which it will decrease.Thus, in the last few days, the average will be between 13 – 15 degrees.Minimum temperatures will decline from 5 degrees on the first morning down to zero degrees by the end of the first week.In the following period, minimum temperatures will average 3 – 5 degrees.Conditions for light rain will be present in the first two days and again after October 22.


In Moldova, until October 18, temperatures will trend cooler, dropping from an average maximum of 18 degrees on the first day to generally cold daytime values of 10 – 12 degrees.Starting October 19, the weather will gradually warm.Between October 22 and 24, average maximum temperatures will range from 15 to 17 degrees, but will decrease again towards 12 degrees by the end of the period.Nights will become colder between October 18 and 21, with minimums dropping to 0 – 2 degrees across most of the region, before slightly rising to 4 – 6 degrees.Isolated light rain is forecasted for October 16 and 17.For the rest of the period, the forecast indicates a low chance of precipitation.


In Dobrogea, until around October 18, daytime temperatures will decrease from a regional average of 21 degrees down to 12 degrees.After this date, a slight increase in maximum temperatures will follow, reaching around 17 degrees by the end of the period.Nighttime temperatures will decrease from an average of 11 degrees down to 4 degrees by October 19, after which they will gradually rise to around 8 degrees by the end of the period.Isolated light rain is predicted for October 16, while the probability of precipitation will remain low except for the period of October 21 – 22.


In Muntenia, over the next four days, daytime temperatures will decrease from an average of 22 degrees down to 12 – 13 degrees.After this date, a gradual increase is expected, with average maximum temperatures ranging from 16 to 18 degrees from October 19 to 24.Minimum temperatures will follow a similar trend, dropping from an average of 7 degrees on the first night down to 2 degrees on October 19.Subsequently, temperatures will return to average values around 6 degrees.Isolated light rain is expected on October 16, with an increased probability of occurrence noted for October 21 – 22 and October 26 – 27.For the rest of the period, conditions for rain will be limited.


In Oltenia, this week, the average maximum temperature will decrease from 22 degrees to 14 degrees.After October 20, maximum temperatures will gradually increase, reaching average values of 18 degrees between October 22 and 24.Subsequently, temperatures will slightly decrease again to around 16 degrees by the end of the period.The trend for minimum temperatures will be similar, starting from an average of 6 degrees on the first night and dropping to around 2 degrees on October 19, before returning to around 6 degrees.The likelihood of rain will be higher during the periods of October 20 – 22 and October 25 – 27.

At the Mountains

In the mountains, during the first week of the forecast, average maximum temperatures will show little variation and will stay around 7 degrees.At the beginning of the following week, temperatures will rise slightly, with maximums ranging from 11 to 12 degrees, reverting to values of 7 – 8 degrees towards the end of the period.Minimum temperatures will start at a maximum of 2 degrees and will drop to -2 degrees by October 19.After this date, average minimums will gradually rise above freezing, although they will not exceed three degrees.The probability of rain will be higher during the intervals of October 15 – 17, October 20 – 22, and October 25 – 27.


Author: Peter

Volám sa Peter a venujem sa písaniu článkov o ajurvéde, starovekej medicíne. Fascinuje ma, ako táto veda dokáže prirodzene harmonizovať telo, myseľ a dušu. V mojich článkoch vám prinášam praktické rady, ako aplikovať ajurvédu do každodenného života pre zdravší a vyrovnanejší život.

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